Monday 26 May 2014

1st Visit Exhibition

This was the first exhibition of this year. These paintings are done by Noel Attard which where presented in a Cavalieri Art Hotel in St.Julians. I was passing by and I noticed these amazing paintings hanging on the wall. The artist transforms reality as seen through the physical eye into surreal scenes of elegant and sensual beauty full of fantasy and imagination. He is inspired by nature and metamorphoses.

Theres a sense of shapes and ghostly pastel shades, earthy colours


This Painting is divided into 3 sections. I really like this style. It’s ideal for a modern style to decorate in the house. Theres a selection of blues with a dark tone. It’s a cool quality with a rough dull texture. I think its an interesting piece, also a different technique of using 3 pieces of canvas to experiment more the shapes.

"Blue Valletta Skies"

Although, the artist likes nature, one can see the paintings emphasis on the earthy colours. This time, he added the green, white and a touch of red to compliment more. It’s a wide scene with a two-dimensional broken lines. It has a rough texture. Personally, the reason I like this painting is because one can express the mood by looking at it.


It’s a confusing picture. There’s the brush stroked texture which resulting the picture rough and dull. The lines are strong, especially the white ones, which gives the boats as linear look. It’s a classic piece of art.

"Siggiewi Church"

This is my favourite one so far. I really love the colours with a combination of high and low saturation. The intensity varies according to the sourrounding colours which blends carefully and with thoughts. One can see the linearity of continous strong lines. 

"Game of life"

This time, Noel added more contrast of colours such as black and white. It has a classy look. There’s the symbol of the chess in the middle which is combined with the continuous strong lines. As the previous paintings, one can see, the blue colour again applied which leave a cool effect. I don’t like it that much, It’s too busy. 

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