Tuesday 20 May 2014

Egyptian Pyramids

Egypt's outstanding stone buildings, the pyramids and temples, have inspired many artists, writers, poets and architects from the  Roman period to the present day. The pyramid from, still pays an important role in modern architecture, it can be seen rising above cemeteries, shopping centers around the world and at the new entrance to the Louvre Museum, Paris.

The Great Pyramid

Inside 'The Great Pyramid'

The original pyramids show the mathematical and engineering skills of the Egyptians, to perfect their work. The Great Pyramid, built by Khufu in 2550 B.C. An impressive 46m high, with a slope of 51 degrees. Its sides, with an average length of 230m, vary by less than 5cm. 

The pyramids were built a workforce of around 5,000 permanent workers and up to an excess of 20,000 temporary workers who would work for months at a time before returning home. Unlike what is showed in movies and TV show. This holds the key to understanding the Egyptian society.

BBC History. 2014. Pyramids and mathematics. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/egyptians/egypt_importance_01.shtml [Accessed 20 May 14]

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