Monday 26 May 2014

2nd Visit Exhibition

This exhibition is done by Marisa Attard which is located in St.James Cavalier. She’s an artist and illustrator who lives on the island of Malta. Her work often reflects the bright light and colours that are part of the Mediterranean climate. Her sense of humor comes through in her paintings of people who live the world she kneel observes. The subjects of her paintings range from the humorous and original to the dark and serious. The medium that she used is acrylic paint on a textured gesso bade coupled with collage of various papers, materials and found objects that ass a certain tactile quality and depth to her paintings.


The first painting is about 3 oversized women, sitting on a bench. The saturation of colour is high with an intensity blended. It’s a warm painting. One can notice the mood of an argumentative woman between them. It’s a two-dimensional scene with a pinterliness. In my opinion, I don’t like it that much because of the characteristics of each woman. 


The composition of this painting is showing us the winter season. This time, the colour is cool with a front light appearance. I like this painting because of the mood in which something has happaned and the au look. 

"Bar Code"

This is an interesting piece. I loved the background and the combination of two patterns. The characters makes the picture pop out more. Each character shows a different expression. The mood is balanced with calm and staring at the same time.  

"A perfect Balance"

This is my favourite painting, from this collection. I really like the proportion of the size. It’s a tall effect with a vibrant colours. I image this painting into a fancy restaurant. 


I also like this painting. As one can notice, the artist likes to create, a character with a thin long legs. There’s the use of primary and secondary colours. At the bottom, there’s a rough surface texture combined with a high saturation. 

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