Tuesday 20 May 2014

Ancient Egyptian Art

The attraction towards ancient Egypt is, a product of the large amount of material information available. We know alot about the daily lives of the ancient Egyptian. We can read their words, meet their families, feel their clothes, taste their food and drink, enter their tombs and even touch their bodies. So to us, it seems that we almost know them. And knowing them, maybe even loving them, we feel that we can understand the very human hopes and fears that filled their lives.

The Curse of King Tut's Tomb

By using their writing and artwork Egyptians asked and answered the questions that all of us ask. What happens after death? how was the world created? Where does the sun go at night? They answered these questions using myths and legends, some of which were unexplainable, this due to a lack of scientific understanding.

Egyptian Tomb Painting

Some of these myths passed from Egypt to Rome, effecting the development of modern religious belief. The ancient stories allow us to abandon our modern fixed ideas, step outside our own cultural experiences and enter a very different world.

A view of 4,400 year old tomb from ancient Egypt that held a nun and her husband, a singer in the pharaoh's palace.

Mummies in Manchester Museum

BBC History. 2014. Rich Legacy. [ONLINE] Avaiable at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/egyptians/egypt_importance_01.shtml [Accessed 20 May 14]

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